
Celebrate and honour transition

‘Many societies recognise the power of rites of passage and the potential to influence and guide the person into their next role’

I offer ceremonies which weave in traditional practices from around the world, whilst making them relevant to modern lifestyles and tailored to your unique personal preferences. Whether you desire a traditional ritual rooted in ancient wisdom or a contemporary celebration infused with personal significance, ceremonies are an opportunity to honour and celebrate the sacredness of life and the transformative power of bringing new life into the world.

  • A Blessing Ceremony incorporates meaningful rituals and ceremonies that honour the sacredness of pregnancy and childbirth, infusing the experience with depth, meaning, and reverence. It provides an opportunity for friends, family, and loved ones to surround you with love, support, and encouragement as you prepare for the journey of parenthood. I often find that the Ceremony strengthens bonds between participants as they come together to share stories and blessings, intentions for the future, and creates a sense of connection within your community as you prepare to welcome a new life.

    • Your Blessing Ceremony will take place in a location of your choice, and will begin by opening a sacred and tranquil space with a ritual adapted to your preferences, which could include a guided meditation or simply honouring being together in the space with intention and reverence.

    • Your guests are invited to offer blessings, affirmations, and words of support to affirm your strength, resilience, and innate wisdom as you embrace your new role as a parent

    • Together we will create a memento of the Ceremony for you to keep with you during labour - this could be a bracelet or necklace, or something else of significance to remind you of the love and support of your community.

  • A Postnatal Closing Ceremony offers a safe and nurturing space for you to process your birth experience, release emotional tension, and receive love and support from your community. Through sacred ritual and intention, the ceremony facilitates the integration of your physical, emotional, and energetic bodies, restoring balance and harmony after childbirth.

    I infuse the Postnatal Closing Ceremony with practices found in ancient rituals in cultures around the world, including Ayurveda, which symbolise the closing of the pelvis and the energetic reintegration of the body. These deeply nurturing practices provide support and healing for your body whilst also facilitating emotional and energetic healing.

Ceremony plays a significant role in the journey of pregnancy and childbirth in cultures and traditions across the world, acknowledging and honouring the profound changes taking place physically, emotionally, and spiritually. A Parent Blessing or Postnatal Closing Ceremony can offer a supportive, nurturing, and sacred space for you to process the powerful range of emotions surrounding the experience of pregnancy and birth and find solace and strength in the presence of loved ones and community.